Winter 2 Program Registration Now Open

We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for our second session of winter programming!
This year’s offerings include:
Academy Training with rotating skillset focuses (6U-19U)
Speed, Agility, and Strength Training (12U-19U)
Saturday Games (8U-14U)
Futsal Training exclusively for Rangers Academy in collaboration with our affiliate, Indiana Futsal Club Alianza (8U-19U)
Goalkeeper Training as an optional add-on for those looking to further enhance their skills
Program Dates:
The Winter 2 program begins on January 20th and runs through March 15th. Once registrations are gathered, we will post specific times and dates to our calendar.
Full-season members (fall and spring) have their winter registration fees covered. Given 15U-19U only plays in the spring, your winter registration fees are covered as well. For members with winter programming costs covered, use promo code “RAW2-Full” to waive your fees during checkout.
14U and below members playing either spring or fall only, new members to the club, or winter-only participants will need to pay the respective winter registration fee.
All participating members must register for winter programming so we can accurately account for those attending training and games. If you do not register, you will not be accounted for in our training and games planning.
Many thanks for your attention and please do not hesitate to send any inquiries you may have to