Alex Baierle

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Head Coach


Being born and raised in Brazil for all my childhood and most of my teenager years just solidifies my passion for soccer. One of my favorite memories of my childhood is unwrapping my first real soccer ball from my dad. From that moment on, I don’t think I ever stopped playing soccer. Whether it was playing in the back yard, bare fields, youth leagues and school leagues, soccer was my passion. I not only enjoy playing soccer and futsa, but have ale playing soccer and futsal, but i have always enjoyed and continue to follow professional soccer leagues throughout the world, but of course I follow the Brazilian league closely because of my Team of Heart,
GREMIO Football Porto-Alegrense! I’ve been coaching since 2014. I was the coach for middle school at Central Noble. I coached middle school from 2014-2017. During this time, l acquired my E and F USSF Coach soccerlicenses. In 2015, 1 started to help with NASA mostly during the spring. In 2018, I became the assistant high school coach at Central Noble.