Indiana Soccer’s Prohibitive Contact Policy

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Given that our spring season is off and running, we wanted to make you aware of Indiana Soccer’s policy regarding prohibited contact. The Prohibitive Contact policy states that a player, once registered with a member club, in the absence of provable, significant, mitigating circumstances that prove the current environment is harmful to the player, shall remain registered with the member club for the remainder of the same seasonal year.  Any attempt to induce a player to register with an alternate club, for either the current or the subsequent seasonal year prior to the official contact period start date and time, shall be considered prohibited contact and is a violation of these Rules and Regulations.  

To ensure clarity and compliance, we’ve summarized the key points of the policy below. Please take a moment to review the following point to understand the guidelines regarding prohibited contact.  The full policy document may be referenced by clicking here

Prohibitive Contact Policy Key Points:

  • Players must remain registered with their current club for the entire seasonal year, except under significant mitigating circumstances.
  • Attempting to persuade a player to join another club before the official contact period is prohibited.
  • Violations may result in fines, loss of coaching privileges, and exclusion from Indiana Soccer activities.
  • Players can only switch clubs during the season with written permission from their current club’s president or majority of board members, or with evidence of harm in the current environment.
  • Contacting players or their parents for immediate or future transfers during non-contact periods is prohibited.
  • Club agents can conduct camps and training except for two weeks before tryouts, but must not encourage players to transfer.  A “club agent” is defined as: administrator(s), DOC, coach, trainer, manager, player, parent, or any person having an association with the club.

We want to make sure that our families are aware of this policy and work to ensure that we are not in violation of the rules set forth.  We also want to be sure that when our players/families are approached by other clubs during the seasonal year, we understand the position they are putting their club in as well.