The Rangers Academy player Model
- Players show up early.
"Early is on time, on time is late and late is unacceptable!"
(Eric Jerome Dickey) - Players will help, support, and challenge each other. We before me.
- Players take responsibility and accountability for their own development and performance.
- Players read and understand the game and make autonomous decisions.
- Players are brave, play to win, deal with adversity, and are good role models.
- Players clean up.
“Leave it better than you found it.” (Sir Robert Baden-Powel) - Players win with humility, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.
How we train:
- Age based development, incorporating all Team Tactical Principles (TTPs) set forth by US Soccer in a phased approach utilizing the milestones of Learning, Understanding and Mastering as players progress.
- Following the lead of US Soccer and Indiana Soccer, Coaches will guide players through discovery led training in a reality-based learning environment.
- Players are allowed to fail to gain better insight into what is being taught rather than being “commanded” to early success without learning.
- We play like we train with high focus & intensity.
- At the youngest ages, 100% of match-play is training. Older teams progress towards 100% competing in matches while still learning.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” (Benjamin Franklin)
how we play:
- We run forward together, run back together, and work as a team in all 4 phases of play.
- We are obsessed with retaining and regaining possession of the ball.
- We strike quickly, with patience & skill to create high percentage quality shots to score goals.
- We believe that supported 1v1 defending is the foundation for solid team defending.
- Quick & calm; head on a swivel; learning from failures.
“About winning and losing: It isn't important, what really counts is how you play the game. About playing the game: PLAY TO WIN!” (Robert Fulghum)
“Play is the highest form of research.” (Albert Einstein)